Corporate Sustainable Development
We pay close attention to the sustainable development of our company. Our supply chain management goal is that use the best possible cost and get our customers’ goods to the right place at the right time.
The ultimate goal of lean supply chain management is "inventory that greatly meets demand. We provide our customers with simplified and more flexible supply chain management that improves quality and efficiency by streamlining purchasing processes, optimizing distribution channels, reducing distribution routing, reducing storage and distribution costs, reducing excess inventory, optimizing human resources, and reducing logistical time.
In the process, we have provided green supply chain solutions to many companies, fulfilling our social responsibility and mission of corporate sustainability.
Corporate Sustainability Projects
We are responsible for the realization of sustainable development of our company, all our activities are based on the protection and safety of the environment, and our goal is to bring about a sustainable environment for both the company and society as a whole.

Fair and Open Management
In addition to complying with laws and regulations, we practice fair and open management in line with business philosophy. Based on the Foxconn Group's business philosophy and corporate action guidelines, we are establishing a sound management structure and internal system, and strengthening our management foundation through period checks. We will also strive to develop sustainable business activities by formulating and implementing medium to long-term management plans.
Following the "Internal Control Reporting System," we have established an internal control system to ensure the appropriateness of the operations of the entire group. We are promoting the enhancement of governance in Japan and worldwide SJL offices, strengthening the supervisory function of the Board of Directors and the Board of Corporate Auditors, and establishing a compliance system to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and social norms.

Improving Customer Satisfaction
To earn the trust of our customers and improve satisfaction, we will provide better logistics services that meet the needs and demands of our customers and take safety, quality, reliability, and the environment into consideration.
In addition, we are promoting the improvement of logistics efficiency and cost rationalization by building and renovating an integrated logistics system, supporting the business activities of our customers, and proposing optimized supply chain management solutions.
Declaration of Voluntary Action for "White Logistics"
We agree with the purpose of the "White Logistics" promotion campaign led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and declare that we will work as follows. *
Initiative Policy
Recognizing the sustainable and stable securing of logistics necessary for business activities as a management issue, we aim to achieve mutual understanding and mutual understanding with business partners, logistics companies, and other stakeholders to realize highly productive logistics and work style reforms. We work together to improve logistics.
Consideration for Legal Compliance
Necessary consideration is given to ensure that our logistics business partners comply with laws and regulations related to labor, as well as truck transportation-related laws/regulations, such as reviewing contract details and transportation details when there is a risk of legal violations.
Clarification and Compliance with Contract Details
We clarify the contract details regarding services other than transportation such as cargo handling, inspection, etc., and strive to comply with contracts while obtaining the cooperation of business partners, and other parties concerned.
*Details of the action declaration and initiatives can be found at the link below. (“White Logistics” Promotion Campaign Site)

Contribution to Environmental Preservation
We strive to increase our contribution to environmental conservation by conducting distribution activities that give due consideration to the environment.
Reducing the environmental impact of domestic transportation in Japan
In addition to complying with the requirement of the Energy Conservation Law to "improve energy consumption intensity by an average of 1% or more per year", we are working to reduce environmental impact and transportation costs.
Specifically, we are continuously working on modal shifts, switching from truck transport to vessel transport (coastal vessel) and rail transport (JR container), which have a lower environmental impact.
Furthermore, we are working to reduce the environmental impact of transportation by, for example, controlling re-transportation between logistics centers by landing imported products at the optimal port according to the sales ratio in each region.
Reducing the environmental impact of overseas transportation
We are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with overseas transportation.
Specifically, in addition to reducing air transportation and improving loading efficiency through the promotion of modal shifts, we are working to optimize sea routes and landing sites that connect production bases and consumption sites.

Harmony and Coexistence with Society
We will conduct business activities that respect the culture and customs of each country and region, participate in activities that contribute to the development of each country and region, and strive for harmony and coexistence with society as good corporate citizen. Furthermore, through logistics DX*, we will promote the resolution of social issues, including regional revitalization, and contribute to the development of sustainable local communities.
In addition to complying with laws and social norms, we respect basic human rights and diversity in all business activities, and will not discriminate or violate human rights. We do not allow child labor or forced labor.
*Logistics DX (Digital Transformation): Transforming logistics by combining information technology (IT) and logistics know-how.

Long-Term Participation in Japanese Red Cross Blood Donation Activities
Our Fujiidera base (Osaka) participates in blood donation activities organized by the Japanese Red Cross Society twice a year (April and October) as part of our social contribution activities. On December 1, 2021, we received a letter of appreciation and a commemorative gift from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare in recognition of the many employees who have taken the initiative in donating blood over many years.